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Clinic is open: : Mon-Fri 8.15-20.00
  Ph. : 6776030, 6776031, 56216158


After root canal treatment…

  1. … the treated tooth may be a bit sensitive. This is caused by the medication placed in the root canal or by treatment of the root canal with instruments. In the case of severe pain, swelling, etc., it is recommended to contact the family physician.
  2. … it is not permitted to eat for approximately two hours because there is a temporary filling on the tooth.
  3. … please observe the treatment plan drawn up by the dentist accurately.
  4. … keep in mind that if your tooth has been devitalised (i.e. ‘killed’) and root filling(s) is/have been placed, a follow-up X-ray is required roughly one year later even if you have not experienced any pain or sensitivity. It is also advisable to have further follow-up X-rays taken every few years to make sure that the treatment was successful.
  5. Opening an old lesion (in the case of chronic root canal infection) may sometimes escalate the infection. This is normal.
  6. A tooth with a temporary filling is relatively weak. Avoid biting into very hard food to prevent breaking the edges of the tooth.

After surgery or tooth extraction…

  1. When the anaesthesia has worn off, you may experience pain or an uncomfortable feeling in the area of the wound. The pain may last for several days after the surgery. To alleviate the pain, please use over-the-counter analgesics available from the pharmacy. Analgesics containing ibuprofen or multicomponent analgesics are efficient.
  2. Cool the area of the wound to avoid swelling. Place an ice bag in the area of the surgical incision (outside of the mouth).
  3. Never place compresses (camomile or vodka compresses, etc.) on the wound.
  4. You may experience slight weakness in the first few hours after the surgery. It is not advisable to engage in activities which require physical exertion in the first few days.
  5. If a special wound covering was placed on the wound, it is not permitted to eat for two hours. Even after this period, it is advisable to eat soft food until the wound covering is removed. Please brush your teeth carefully to avoid damaging the wound covering and do not use an electric toothbrush after surgery.
  6. Please observe the dentist’s prescriptions accurately and administer the medicinal products supporting the treatment pursuant to the treatment plan.
  7. Rinse the wound with chlorohexidine solution for about a minute twice a day for two weeks after the surgery. Rinse the wound 30 minutes after brushing your teeth. Unless prescribed otherwise by the dentist, it is not permitted to continue rinsing the wound for more than two weeks. The solution may cause pigmentation of the teeth, but this is not permanent, and the pigmentation can be easily removed after the treatment. In the case of experiencing a burning feeling in the oral cavity or sensitivity of the gums, dilute the solution with water or consult your dentist.

After placement of crowns

If you have dental crowns or bridges, you should take special care to ensure dental hygiene. Brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush, holding the brush in your fingers like a pencil to avoid applying excessive force. It is recommended to brush by directing the bristles into the gum line under an angle and brush by using short, circular movements. The brush cannot reach into the gaps between your teeth, so further means of teeth cleaning should be used.

Dental floss may be used to clean the gaps between the teeth if you have dental crowns. Wrap the floss around your fingers or use a special dental floss holder.

Move the floss slightly back and forth to lead it between your teeth, move up and down 3–4 times to clean the surfaces of the neighbouring teeth up to the gums.

In order to clean dental bridges, use a special needle to lead the floss under the bridge and move the floss back and forth to clean the bridge.

You can also use an interdental brush, which resembles a small bottle brush, to clean larger gaps between your teeth or under the bridge.

After the placement of a removable denture

  1. Wearing a denture may be uncomfortable at first. Be patient and try to keep the denture in place despite being uncomfortable – you can get used to them! The first two weeks after getting a denture are the hardest, as your oral cavity has to adjust to the new situation. During this period, only take the denture out to clean it and wear it when to go to sleep as well. Later, you should always remove the denture when you go to sleep.
  2. When you take your denture out, wrap it in a damp tissue and place in a special box. Otherwise, the material will dry and become brittle. The denture may also shrink and seem inaccurate.
  3. The denture should be carefully cleaned twice a day. The denture should be washed under running water. Special products designed for cleaning dentures which help to disinfect the denture should also be used (water-soluble tablets). You may also use a special soft brush, if necessary. The area of the clips should be cleaned especially carefully. Denture care products are available from pharmacies.
  4. In the case of complete dentures, avoid using the incisors for biting.
  5. Only eat soft food in the first few days.
  6. If wearing the denture causes pain or chafing, please contact the dentist.
  7. Have the dentist check whether the denture fits properly twice a year.

After implant placement

Regular and careful oral hygiene is essential for the outcome of the treatment to last long. Dental plaque is the enemy of implants. There is only one solution – brush your teeth after meals, in the morning, and before going to bed.

The oral cavity heals quickly. The area of the surgery may be painful and bleed slightly in the first few days. You may also experience moderate swelling. Do not place wet compresses on your cheek. This will increase the swelling of soft tissues. You can place gauze swabs saturated with camomile or common marigold tea on the wound in the mouth. If the wound is bleeding, please contact your dentist. The sutures will be removed 1–2 weeks later. After the surgery, gauze swabs are placed in your mouth and you will need to press your teeth together for about 30 minutes. This will stop the bleeding.

Local anaesthesia is usually used to perform the surgery. If the surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, it is advisable to rest for a few hours after the surgery. As anaesthetics cause dizziness and sleepiness, it is not recommended to drive after surgery.

It is not recommended to eat or drink anything warm after surgery until the effects of the anaesthesia have worn off, as the oral mucosa is numb and can be burned easily.

In the first week after the placement of an implant:

  1. Avoid physical exertion (sports, hiking, sauna, lifting heavy objects).
  2. Do not drink coffee, strong tea, dairy products, or alcohol in the first two days after the surgery.
  3. Do not smoke.
  4. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water after every meal.
  5. Clean your gums and teeth regularly. Clean especially gently and carefully in the area of the implant.
  6. Do not use water jet or electric toothbrushes.
  7. Hold a cold bag in the area of the surgery in the first two days. Place a towel between your cheek and the ice bag. Do not keep the ice bag on the area for more than 20 minutes at a time.
  8. If you have a removable denture on the same jaw in which the implant was placed, do not wear it in the first week.

In the next 4–6 weeks

  1. Avoid physical exertion.
  2. Clean your teeth, gums, and implants as the dentist advised.
  3. Do not smoke.
  4. Always wear your temporary denture (crown, dental cast, removable plate denture). Clean it after every meal.
  5. Do not wear your denture for 6 months after a complicated surgery (such as a bone transplant). After a minor surgery, the denture is adjusted so that you can continue to use it.

The wound can only heal if the implant is correctly placed in the bone. Thus, make sure that you do not put pressure on the area of the implant when eating. The area of the implant should also not be regularly touched with your tongue or finger. The healing will take roughly 6 months. In the case of a bone transplant, it may take 9 months or even longer. The duration of the period of healing depends on your body (the strength of your immune system, the speed of regenerative processes, etc.).

Final restoration will be performed when the area has healed (after approx. 6–12 months) and when the implant screw is securely fixed in the bone.

During the first visit, impressions are taken of your teeth. A rubber material is used for this purpose, which is placed on an impression tray and inserted in your mouth. The impressions are used to make a model. Based on the model, a dental technologist will make a proper final product – a crown, bridge, or removable denture.

After filling of teeth

  1. The tooth may feel uncomfortable or sensitive (especially to cold beverages) for a while; this is normal. The sensitivity usually only lasts from a few days to a few weeks. If the tooth becomes increasingly sensitive or if you also develop sensitivity to hot food, please consult your dentist, as this may indicate to dental nerve damage or irritation.
  2. If it is painful to bite, the filling is probably uneven or protruding too high and the dentist can file it a bit to fix the problem.
  3. If the filling appears rough or the dental floss gets caught or branches off when cleaning the gap between the teeth, consult your dentist and ask them to adjust the filling. Dental plaque accumulates easily on such unfinished areas, which may cause new cavities next to the filling.

After gum treatment

  1. The necks of the teeth and the gums may be sensitive. Avoid extremely cold or hot food and beverages.
  2. Do your best to stick to the personal hygiene plan drawn up by the dentist despite the sensitivity: clean the gaps between your teeth carefully with an interdental brush or floss, unless the dentist has advised to use different procedures.
  3. Rinse the wound with chlorohexidine solution for about a minute twice a day for two weeks after the surgery. Rinse the wound 30 minutes after brushing your teeth. Unless prescribed otherwise by the dentist, it is not permitted to continue rinsing the wound for more than two weeks. The solution may cause pigmentation of the teeth, but this is not permanent, and the pigmentation can be easily removed after the treatment. In the case of experiencing a burning feeling in the oral cavity or sensitivity of the gums, dilute the solution with water or consult your dentist.